Jocelyn is a Soul Art Guide, Akashic Records Guide, Yoga Nidra Guide and Human Design Coach. She is also an Expressive Arts Therapist/Intermodal and an EFT Master Practitioner. She has been working with people for over 25 years in different capacities to help them find their authenticity and purpose in life.

Two and a half years ago she lost her parents seven days apart and she’s been traveling through her grief ever since. The journey of Grief has widened her lens, honed her creativity and brought into perspective her Life’s Story

"I am honored to help others to see their power, to shift out of blocks, to feel their worth, to find their purpose, to sit at the seat of their creativity, to love themselves, to find comfort in their body, to truly live their best life.”

What you’ll learn

  • You’ll discover the difference between Intention and Affirmation

    Practice getting present in your body

    Walk through the steps to create a personal, powerful and juicy Intention in your life.

  • You’ll learn different ways to use writing to journal for this process

    You’ll Travel the Maze of your present life

    You’ll Lift the Fog and expand your imagination past limitations when it comes to dreaming of the transformations you want to have.

  • You’ll write a Power Statement

    You’ll create your Intention

    You’ll learn how to work with your Intention

Course FAQ

  • Once you have paid for the Creating Intention Course you have unlimited lifetime access

  • You can email Jocelyn at and use the subject Intention Course. She is always happy to help!

  • There is no refund policy for this course